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Re-Writing the Story of Your Life

Our individual lives are but one big story-book. Within each day, we live a new page, write a new chapter, or close an old book. I used to lament the fact that I missed the free-spirited culture of the 60's,but now am so grateful that I am living as a relatively younger person during this hugely exciting time.

The technological revolution has made such enormous transformations to the way we live our lives. With more resources at our fingertips than ever in the entire human history, our stories in this next chapter of human evolutionary have more potential than we have ever known.

What do we do when our options are blown wide-open? How do we define what it is we really want in life when anything is possible?

For most, the idea is simple:

I want to be happy, make a life of meaning, love and be loved until I die.

Here in these seemingly simple goals, we find an unprecedented amount of Americans struggling. As many of our conscious community has come to recognize, our societal ‘habits’ or social ‘systems’ and cultural 'beliefs' appear much to blame.

BUT-- here is the beauty of our living in THIS time.

We cannot feign the excuse of our ancestors any longer. We are living in a new era of enlightenment; one where we have all the resources, the information, and the connections to make our dreams for happiness, love, and meaning a REAL reality. If we want that happiness, now is the time to get it. Make some meaning? We have more than enough to go around. And what about Love? Here too we find countless answers to the question on how to get those warm and fuzzies.

So WHAT IS standing in our way?

In our time of endless information, we realize how much living we must un-learn, re-think and second guess. While we are shutting things out of our life, it's time to re-arrange things and invite stuff back in. it’s a time to open our eyes and our ears, reach out and stay connected to pockets of revolutionary thinkers around you. This is the time where personal responsibility means everything. In order to make the life and world we want around us, it has to start with the I.

Each person is unique in the things that block them from their dreams. But if you take some time to consider, write down answers to these questions and give a call, I have no doubt that together we will find the solutions to bring joy back into your life.

  1. What are the social or cultural ideas that block you from happiness?

  2. What were you taught growing up that you think no longer applies?

  3. If you could write the rule-book of your life, how would you write it?

  4. What are the things that are standing in your way?

To learn how you can unlock yourself from your stuck points, go out and get what you want

Contact: Andrea Vielma, MA LMFT 541-350-2200

Andrea Vielma, MA LMFT is a licensed psychotherapist specializing in transformational therapy services that help identify and remove personal blocks to fulfillment, happiness and joy.

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